So the 2010 Washington State legislative session is a week old and already the writing is on the wall for our state universities.  Governor Gregoire summed it up in her state of the state address: “Our higher education system is a major economic engine for our recovery.

 We need to keep the doors to higher…

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“It’s easy to wish we had invested that $3 billion more directly into our workforce development, adult basic education, English as a second language, community and technical colleges and our universities.” – Representative Reuven Carlyle, on the concessions given to Boeing before they split for a low-wage state. Here at the blog, we often find ourselves keeping…

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Let’s start with an observation that should by now be axiomatic: All bosses are overpaid. And most of them are insulated from and clueless about the way their attitude and privilege come off to the rest of the world.  If we could all just agree to this truth that is even older than rapacious capitalism,…

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