In the spirit of moving on, we’ll resist the temptation to point a finger back toward what Representative Brendan Williams calls the “Bill for Political Cowardice” about revenue and the “immoral all-cuts budget last session.”  What’s done is done. So yesterday Governor Gregoire released her required “Book One” all-cuts supplemental budget and then immediately began…

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On Thursday morning, fifteen legislators and a member of GovernorGregoire’s staff got up early and scraped the ice off their windshields to join us for bagels and coffee.  They were met by an unprecedented coalition.  No fewer than eleven, count ‘em, eleven presidents were part of the welcoming party: President James Gaudino of Central Washington University President Rodolfo Arevalo of Eastern Washington…

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On Thursday morning, fifteen legislators and a member of Governor Gregoire’s staff got up early and scraped the ice off their windshields to join us for bagels and coffee.  They were met by an unprecedented coalition.  No fewer than eleven, count ‘em, eleven presidents were part of the welcoming party: President James Gaudino of Central…

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