House of Representatives, State of Washington (video embedded) October 29, 2009 9:00am Work Session: Tuition, Student Indebtedness, and System Expansion (discussion with HECB, SBCTC, WTECB, and other stakeholder groups regarding tuition policy, use of info technology, and system design work). For full video, please visit…TVW.

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Ah, to have known then what we know now.  Ten years ago, if the presidents of Washington’s four-year universities had each taken a million dollars out of their budgets and gone to Vegas, they could have made some serious coin.  They could have gone to a casino with this bet: In the next ten years,…

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In July Dr. Jill Biden, a part-time, non-tenure track community college instructor, gave a speech to the UNESCO Higher Education conference extolling community colleges as one of America’s “best-kept secrets” and the “way of the future” for higher education in developing countries.  A week later the World Bank, hewing closely to their mission to keep…

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