Posts by Bill Lyne
The Road to Mississippi
In the P. T. Barnum department, you gotta love a guy who has made a career of selling himself as a man of the people through the state initiative process. That is, until you remember that Tim Eyman is doing more than selling tickets to see the reptile man and the bearded lady, he’s peddling…
Read MoreNo Name in the Street
State Representative Reuven Carlyle is a smart guy with big ideas and big shoes to fill. He has recently published a three part series on higher education on the Official Reuven Carlyle Blog. The first and third posts skim the surfaces of a wide variety of higher ed topics. Some of the ideas are trenchant…
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In William Styron’s 1979 novel Sophie’s Choice, the main character Sophie Zawistowska is forced at gunpoint on an Auschwitz train platform to choose which of her two children will live and which will die in the gas chamber. Washington state higher education is certainly not comparable to the horrors of Auschwitz, but professors at our…
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